REBROADCAST: The Midnight Citizen 126 -- "Interviewing Fireworks" (from July 4, 2016)

Mike's out of the studio this week, but enjoy this oldie from March 2016.

Show Notes: Join Mike in the basement on a rainy Saturday night. Topics include: porch podcasting plans destroyed; making coffee; doing a show in the basement with the garage door open and looking out on the rainy night; stormy night nightmares and dreaming this week that I was trapped inside an 80s dead teenager movie with a bunch of stereotypes; describing the dim, shadowy basement; just saw “10 Cloverfield Lane”, and spoiler-free review; John Goodman; attended TEDx Talks today; moving to action vs. slacking; is it best just to sit out being proactive or join the game and mobilize; being a sideline commentator in life and how all my heroes have done the same and I’m just now realizing it, and; much more!

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License Non-commercial Share-Alike License. Attribution by Mike Boody. Released March 2016 on The Midnight Citizen and The Overnightscape Underground.